1. 所有近期从中国来加的同胞,以及与这些同胞有过紧密接触或有咳嗽、感冒、发烧或其他身体不适症状的朋友,请自行隔离两周或就医,帮助社区切断可能的传染源。请不要担心害怕,我们没有做错任何事,人们只会感激同胞们为社区安宁付出的勇气和牺牲。我们将协调各方资源,为一时无法获得家人朋友援助、需要社会力量支持的个人或家庭提供安全接机,免费上门递送生活必需品以及健康知识咨询的服务;如有其他困难或需要,我们也将尽力帮同胞们排忧解难。
2. 所有其他生活在这里的同胞,欢迎加入我们志愿者团队,或自行组织,给隔离家中、生活不便的同胞送去真切的关怀和帮助。我们的发起人和协办人有透明的捐助体系,有专业医护人员对志愿者的培训,也有一套保护志愿者的规范。愿意加入的,请联络我们。
3. 雇主们,请你们支持近期从中国返回并进行自我隔离的员工,用在家工作等各种办法尽量帮助他们减少损失。
4. 各类学校,可否向进行自我隔离的学生提供在线连接教室、远程教育等技术支持,不把隔离期计入缺课记录中。
5. 其他族群的朋友们,请和我们一起抗击新型冠状病毒,一起抗击所有未来可能出现的人类灾害。我们是生死与共的邻居朋友、同事乃至路人。此时此刻,你们的每一个善意的举动、每一个友好的微笑,都那么令人欣慰,让人心生感激。我们为生活在多元、宽容、理智的加拿大而深感荣幸,同时也更加体会到每个人对这个美丽善良的国家的责任。请继续支持我们的努力!
6. 在做好个人卫生和必要的防范措施的同时,我们呼吁不要过度惊慌。彼此的关爱和善意是让我们走出困境、恢复安宁最有力的武器。让我们互相支持,共度难关!
Anhui Community Association of Canada
Tianjin China Alliance of Canada
Ontario Individual Volunteer Fighting Coronavirus Initiatives
求助者电话总调度:Martin Ma @647.782.6815
求助者私信微信总调度:Shenshu Zhang @ShenshuZhang, Xin Zhou @gmgmgm456123
Dear Fellow Canadians,
In the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak in China, which was declared an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization on January 30, 2020, the Chinese community is bearing mounting pressures. We are worrying about the virus along with discrimination against people with Asian heritage. All of us would like to do our best to contain a potential spread of the virus. With your assistance, we can also prevent the rise of discrimination from occurring.
We hereby call upon you to:
1. Conduct a 2-week self-quarantine, if you have come back or will come back from China recently or if you have had a close contact with any one who returned from China in the past two weeks. If you developlike symptoms, please call medical authorities for instructions. However, do notfeel fearful or ashamed. You have done nothing wrong, and we appreciate your courage, consideration and sacrifice to protect the whole community. We will volunteer to arrange for safe airport pick-up for you and will deliver life necessities, like groceries and personal supplies to your door if needed. If you experience other difficulties caused by the quarantine, feel free to let us know. We will outreach to you with resources and help. Our medical and public health professional volunteers will gladly answer your questions regarding self-protective measures and government policies. Please do not hesitate to contact us to seek assistance. We are here for you!
2. Join us as a volunteer, or organize a similar group in your own neighbourhood, if you are a member of the Chinese community and if you are available. Please give a hand to help and contribute for a safe, peaceful Canada. We will provide training and guidelines to ensure safety, transparency and integrity throughout the process.
3. Support your employee(s) who are in quarantine if you are an employer by making alternative work arrangements to help them reduce losses as much as possible.
4. Use available technologies to help all students in quarantine and provide online education or live video classrooms if possible. Kindly, do not count the quarantine as an absence.
5. Stand side by side with us, regardless if you are a friend, a neighbour, a colleague, a client or even a stranger to the Chinese community. These days, the kind actions and friendly smiles that many of you have extended, have comforted us, and we are grateful for that. We are proud of Canada for her diversity, tolerance and wisdom! We feel even more obliged to do our best to protect this magnificent country. Let’s fight together for our share home against Coronavirus, and any future challenges or disasters.
Please do not panic. Panic does not ease anybody’s mind nor the situation. We need proper measures tied together with love and support for one another. If you need assistance, or would like to join our effortin any possible way, please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much!
Chinese Canadian Volunteers Fighting Coronavirus
Organized by:
Anhui Community Association of Canada
Website: www.anhuicanada.com
In collaboration with:
Tianjin China Alliance of Canada
Website: www.canadatianjin.com
Ontario Individual Volunteer Fighting Coronavirus Initiatives
Telephone: 647.782.6815
Contact Us:
Phone number for help-seekers: Martin Ma @647.782.6815
Private WeChat ID for help-seekers:
Shenshu Zhang
Xin Zhou @gmgmgm456123
WeChat group for volunteers:
E-mail: volunteersfightingcv@gmail.com
责任编辑: 沈迪
《北美华人健康》2020年卷第1期. Volume 2020, Number 1.
《北美华人健康》,是加拿大正式注册的非盈利机构(Centre for New Immigrant Wellbeing, CNIW),主要功能板块包括:社区服务教育、国际医学科研与教学交流、及医学科普。北美华人健康致力于发表优质的医学科普文章,帮公众提升对健康知识的认知。除科普编辑部,北美华人健康还拥有一支强大的专家团队:由几十位来自加拿大、美国及中国知名大学或医疗机构教授及医学科研人员组成的健康专家队伍,对平台发表的科普内容进行审阅,保障文章的质量和数据的真实性。官方网站为:www.cniw.org。投稿请发送到:editor@hrjhealth.com, 业务联系:info@cniw.org。